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Adalberto Pereira Junior

Owner Adperc Ltd.


Como fazer uma retrospectiva dos últimos 3 anos? Por onde começar? Pandemia, guerra, eleições, acirramento político, inflação, taxa de juros no Brasil e no mundo?

Como projetar o futuro de curto e médio prazo?

O fato é que fazer previsões econômicas e políticas sempre foi muito difícil.

Até porque fatos surgem de forma inesperada modificando a rota e a própria história.

Fazer este tipo de previsão no Brasil é um exercício ainda maior com desfechos e resultados basicamente aleatórios.

No século passado tivemos diversos eventos que, em curtos espaços de tempo, alteraram o rumo das coisas de forma por vezes surpreendente ou inesperada mas com grande impacto. A primeira guerra mundial, as tentativas de golpe no Brasil em 1922 e 1924, o golpe de 1930 e a implantação da ditadura do Estado Novo, a revolução Constitucionalista de 1932, outra tentativa de golpe em 1937, a ascenção do nazismo na Europa, a segunda guerra mundial, a renúncia de Getúlio em 1945, a volta de Getúlio pelo voto em 1950, o atentado a Carlos Lacerda e consequente deterioração do governo e o dramático desfecho com o suicídio de Getúlio, a renúncia de Jânio, a revolução de 1964 com um consequente golpe cancelando as eleições presidenciais marcadas para 1965, a eleição de Tancredo em 1985 e sua morte antes da posse, o impeachment de Collor, o Plano Real, a eleição e reeleição de FHC, as eleições de Lula, o impeachment de Dilma, a Lava Jato, a prisão de Lula, a eleição de Bolsonaro, a volta de Lula, a invasão dos prédios públicos de 2023 com a aparente tentativa de mais um golpe.

Vejam quantos acontecimentos extraordinários em um espaço de 100 anos.

Agora estamos aqui na expectativa dos próximos capítulos desta emocionante história.

Quem poderia prever em 1922, ou seja 100 anos atrás, que estaríamos neste estágio de hoje?

E aí surge uma intrigante pergunta: Será que o Brasil está fadado a ser sempre o país do futuro?

Como nós cidadãos podemos trabalhar para definir um rumo mais virtuoso para nosso país?

Como podemos influenciar para que possamos ter um ciclo longo de crescimento sustentável, melhoria do padrão de vida de todos com educação e saúde de boa qualidade? Um país com segurança, estabilidade, oportunidades e com justiça social? São perguntas que devemos fazer aos nossos líderes mas também a cada um de nós. O que nós podemos fazer para efetivamente contribuir para essa transformação? Começamos de cima para baixo ou de baixo para cima? Ou ambos?

No campo energético experimentamos uma grande transformação. Fontes renováveis de energia eólicas e fotovoltáicas que há alguns anos representavam um percentual marginal em nossa matriz energética agora já ultrapassam 10% do total. E com um crescimento sustentável e muito representativo. Consumidores tendo um papel ativo em todo o sistema. Veículos elétricos assumindo uma proporção que indica que de fato participarão com percentual representativo do sistema.

A transformação pode vir da parte dos governos e autoridades reguladoras ou dos consumidores. Ou melhor ainda, de ambos.

Tecnologia avança rapidamente não representando barreira e, pelo contrário, viabilizam a transformação tanto pelos aspectos técnicos como econômico-financeiro.

Que o novo governo incentive a transformação e que todos os agentes assumam suas responsabilidades na construção deste futuro virtuoso. Inclusive nós, o povo.


We are in the second half of 2021 and the challenges continue to arise at a speed and quantity never seen before.

Challenges arising as a result of the pandemic, others due to climatic variations, others still the result of global geo-political situations and also because they are not local.

How we position ourselves and react to this makes all the difference when it comes to the local impact as well as the global one.

Our role as citizens who are part of a community will impact collectively and individually on each person who is part of that community.

Therefore, our actions cannot be considered only within the immediate interest of each one of us.

Issues related to climate, energy matrix, urban mobility, sanitation, health and safety, for example, are directly related to collective actions, whether they come from governmental entities or not, as well as individual actions. Therefore, the actions of each of us will have a positive or negative impact on the community as a whole.

Specifically in the area that we are fundamentally involved in, our actions directly impact energy efficiency and, as a consequence, allow for a reduction in operating costs, improvement of processes, increased system availability, optimization of natural resources, improvement in individual and collective safety, among other benefits.

At Adperc, our mission is to present to the market innovative and technologically advanced solutions, always in tune with the latent needs and demands or patents of our customers.

We understand that this is how we are playing our role as a company but also as citizens in search of a better, more balanced, more responsible and committed world for future generations.     


And the year 2021 has already started, we've moved into the second month and we're still living with the pandemic hurting us physically and emotionally.

Even though vaccination was initiated within the PNI - National Immunization Plan, we still have a long way to go before we can treat COVID-19 no longer as a pandemic, epidemic, endemic or outbreak but as a relatively common disease that must be treated as well as so many others like H1N1 (flu).

While we do not get rid of this situation, we are going in fits and starts trying to overcome all the difficulties imposed.

But even in a situation as difficult and problematic as the one we live in, we can always find something positive.

The massive adoption of technology in people's interaction is one of those positive facts.

One of them is Telemedicine. Before so contested and as several obstacles for its adoption in a wide way, now it is not only allowed but encouraged. The Ministry of Health created TeleSus and health plans encourage the adoption of telemedicine.

And we are just at the beginning. The transformation in this segment will be huge.

Likewise, we will see other areas adopting the use of technology and digitalization associated with communication substantially changing the standards of conduct, routine and behavior both at personal and business levels.

And in the electricity sector. As we are?

We have not yet experienced the massification of smart grids as the “Smart Grid” has not been adopted on a large scale.

But alternative energy sources such as solar and wind are advancing in large proportion and are causing a substantial change in the electrical system as a whole.

The electric vehicle knocks on our doors almost independently of our will and we see all the big automakers investing heavily in what will transform the sector even if, from an energy point of view, we do not have great motivators for its adoption.

I understand that the only certainty we have is that staying as is is not an alternative. We will have to move forward and fast or we will be “run over” by a change that will come from the consumer himself.

Technological advances will continue to occur in an ever faster and more forceful way.

We have to not be ready for transformation as an agent of it.


When we started this series of articles entitled “OPINION” we were experiencing the beginning of the pandemic. The impression is that it all started a long time ago. That routine of scheduling face-to-face meetings, booking flights, booking hotels and renting a car seem like far-off tasks.

We are getting used to a new routine of scheduling online meetings and exchanging messages via Whatsapp. Those conversations in the hallway, in the cafe, at lunches, even those not scheduled, are in the past.

It's a strange feeling that we'll never have that routine again.

But history is really made up of cycles and we are certainly experiencing a transition.

The new “normal” that will emerge as soon as we no longer have the limitation imposed by COVID-19 will bring profound changes in technology, processes, procedures, habits and culture.

We understand that as engineers, we have to continuously invest in innovative technologies, always seeking the state of the art.

In this way, we can transform that simple idea into a concrete innovation that benefits society.

We recently started a work with Augmented Reality (AR – Augmented Reality) technology that filled exactly the gap created by COVID-19 regarding physical interaction between people as well as the issue of displacement. Today, with this technology, it is possible to remotely provide all the necessary support for field operations, as well as evolve in other tasks such as training that were greatly harmed by the pandemic.

Now, keeping the same philosophy, we are investing in utility sensing that will allow us to offer process automation solutions in practically all areas. We will soon be presenting to the market news that we believe will meet current and future demands.

Also seeking the same excellence, we are offering to the market power transmission and sub-transmission solutions (from 69kV up to 550kV) with XLPE insulated cables for application in underground and underwater systems. We seek to be the best alternative to the market with quality and competitiveness.

Thus, we at Adperc will continue to be focused on adding value to the market, especially in the energy sector, to fulfill one of our missions, which is to promote technological advancement in society as a whole. 

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A month ago, I wrote the “Opinião” commenting on the perplexity with which we faced the situation. Today, I can say that not even in my greatest daydreams could I imagine the situation we live in today.

We have already passed 2,600,000 infected, 183,000 deaths and, fortunately, more than 715,000 recovered.

These numbers will continue to grow and we will still have to spend several weeks, if not months, for the situation to normalize.

Of course, prudence indicates that the resumption of activities should be done gradually, programmed and planned.

Today, it is already being discussed around the world and also in Brazil, how to recover without the public health problem getting worse. But also, so that we can seek a balance between public health and economic activity. However, health comes first without which nothing is justified.

When we win the pandemic, with the risk of covid-19 under control, we have a vaccine and we can sleep peacefully, that we have mastered the virus, what world will we find?

It's a difficult answer. After all, who could have predicted what we're experiencing right now?

But I may dare to assume a few things. For example, that we will never go back to the previous stage. That the "telework", also called "home office" will be a reality. That public health will come out stronger and, perhaps, with a higher priority. We will have learned how to deal with a pandemic. We will take care to give a higher priority to basic sanitation. We will think about how we have to advance in the country's basic infrastructure. And maybe, we will understand the need for short, medium and long term planning.

The bewildered world faces a public health situation unimaginable a few months ago. And above all we will be able, I hope, to differentiate government policies from those of the state, prioritizing the latter so that we know where we are going, regardless of which party is in power.

Perhaps we can think that this is all part of a utopian vision. But what are big challenges for if not to make us stronger?

Combining determination, focus, technology and discipline, we will be able to trace a virtuous path.

I am very confident that the political class, the business class and, above all, the workers, students, youth and adults, people in general, can unite and rethink our country, finally seeking the solid path that will transform us into a great nation, in the proper dimension of the that we can and will deserve.


The bewildered world faces a public health situation unimaginable a few days ago.

Nobody prepared and we are all reacting in the middle of the crisis.

Public health is the top priority and all efforts must be made in this direction and with this focus.

Adperc decided to place all employees in a home office and we will continue to do so until the situation becomes clearer.

And even in the home office, we are working to continue supporting our clients and represented companies, even seeking to support actions that indirectly help in the global effort to overcome the global crisis.

In the reflections we are continually doing, we see that the world is effectively shifting towards a virtual and automated world. All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, had the vision that in a future, closer or more distant, we would live in the world of “Jetsons” where automation would be present even in the simplest tasks. But we didn't imagine that the trigger for this would be a crisis like this, with covid-19 as the central motivator.

But therein lies the huge challenge. And challenges of this size and nature demand firm and innovative solutions. 

We at Adperc, together with our partners, have been promoting the concept of automation for a long time, seeking to increase efficiency and quality of services provided, maximizing results for our customers and the community in general.

Within this vision, we are working with the electricity sector with smart metering, AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) systems, automation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution and more recently Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies that allow to improve internal processes and review concepts for field services.

With these cutting-edge technologies coming from suppliers and partners with a global presence and leadership, we are ready to add value to our customers and contribute to the transformation of our environment, putting us in a position to face the challenges that, regardless of our will, will arise in our forward when we least expect it.

So let's prepare for the future that is today.

Interoperable Networks


It is possible to feel the advance towards the vaunted smart grids. There is a lot of talk about distributed generation, electric vehicles and smart cities.

And in fact, we are seeing it all happen.

Electric vehicles that a lot of people were betting not long ago would not massively hit the market in less than 10 years are already a reality. According to the publication of the IEA - Global EV Outlook 2019 ( ) the number of electric vehicles in the world has already surpassed the 5 million mark in 2018. In 2030, around 130 million vehicles are forecasted with an annual sale of 23 million units including 2 and 3 wheel vehicles. In other words, it is already a reality and the energy sector, especially the electric one, has to consider it this way.

Solar panels in distributed generation grow exponentially. In 2017, the installed capacity of Photovoltaic Panels was 398GW. For 2018 it would be 580GW. And in 2019 growth according to the same IEA ( ) would lead to an estimated total of 600GW. Estimates show that we will reach 1,100 GW in 2023 and can generate up to 1,800 TWH. In other words, an enormous capacity. In Brazil, the accumulated total of consumer units that became entitled to credits related to distributed generation reached 75,386 up to 01/31/2019 according to ANEEL. And this number continues to grow strongly. According to unofficial data, they have already surpassed 120,000 consumer units at the end of May 2019.

We talk about IoT all the time and think about managing loads, consumption and energy efficiency at all times.

How to consider all this without thinking about smart grids? And how to connect billions of devices to this same environment without having interoperable, secure and multi-service communication networks?

The Wi-SUN Alliance ( ) was created exactly for this purpose, allowing Governments, Municipalities, Public Service Concessionaires and others to take advantage of communication networks called mesh, fulfilling the requirements demanded by the moment in which we live.

Today, the largest number of devices connected in so-called IoT networks (Internet of Things) are exactly through Wi-SUN mesh networks with more than 91 million devices in the world. More than 200 members are part of the alliance including major device manufacturers and major power groups on every continent.

In other words, the future has arrived and soon consumers will be benefiting from all the features.

The world is in constant revolution


If we analyze through the eyes of history, we will see moments in which the transformation resulting from this revolution was faster and in others slower.

But it never stopped transforming.

If, through the same eyes of history, we look at the most recent period, say, 50 years ago, we will see what we are now experiencing.

50 years ago, telephony, which was already a wonderful resource, was limited to instant local calls and when you were looking for a long-distance call it was necessary to resort to telephone operators and wait for hours.

Then came the resources of DDD, DDI and that was it, the world could transmit facts and replicate information instantly.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s cell phones began to appear. Those bricks. We could communicate from different places without the need for the entire fixed-line infrastructure. But it was still just voice.

Next came smartphones. Initially with few resources compared to what we have now but already revolutionizing the way people interacted with each other.

Today, smartphones are indispensable in the lives of a large part of the world's population. We can transmit text, sounds and images instantly from virtually anywhere in the world. We can make TV without those gigantic cameras. We make the newspaper through blogs and transmit opinions in different ways without depending on that infrastructure of before and at an impressive speed reaching places never before imagined.

And electricity? Will it stay the same? In other words, large generation projects, extensive transmission lines, substations, distribution lines and everything else?

Certainly not. We are already seeing an ongoing transformation that promises to revolutionize the energy sector. In fact, it can no longer be called the electric sector. The diversity of energy sources and forms of access by the consumer is just as energetic. Solar, wind, small hydro and thermal uses, cogeneration everywhere and even electric vehicles that are sometimes a load and sometimes a source.

Such decentralization is taking place and is coming like a tsunami. And it comes from the source to the load as it would be the traditional way but also from what would be load to what the source would be. In other words, a consumer becoming a producer. This is called the Prosumer. That is, consumer and producer at the same time and at the same point in the system.

Governments, regulatory agencies, regulatory bodies, generation, transmission and distribution companies as well as consumers whether those linked to industry, commerce, service or homes are all being tremendously impacted. And transformation requires mobilizing all sectors of society to create a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible ecosystem for the entire community.

Transformations and revolutions have always brought evolution if we look at the medium and long term. But they have not always taken humanity to a better stage in the short term. This requires care, commitment, mobilization, responsibility and astuteness.

Technology allows for advancement and is usually ready when needed. But she is an instrument for transformation. Not the reason for it.

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