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Check out the 5 biggest photovoltaic plants in Brazil

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), Brazil has about 670 UCs (consumer units) with their own generation of energy from solar sources.

Currently, Minas Gerais leads the state ranking with around 120 thousand UCs. In second place is São Paulo, with approximately 110 thousand, and Rio Grande do Sul, which has around 95 thousand photovoltaic systems.

With regard to the consumer class, who appears at the top of the list is the residential segment, with 515 thousand consumer units, followed by the commercial sector, with 95 thousand, and the rural area, which has 50 thousand systems.

There is no doubt, there are thousands of plants spread across Brazil generating savings and sustainability. And when it comes to rated power, do you know which are the 5 biggest plants in the country?

Canal Solar conducted a survey based on the latest monthly bulletin on photovoltaic generation from the ONS (National Electric System Operator). Check...

Source: Solar Channel

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UK connects 10 millionth household on DCC's smart meters network

The 10 millionth property was connected in London on the 26th of November by EDF, which fitted both a gas and electricity meter along with a communications hub and pre-payment interface device.

In addition to the 10 million households connected to the network, 41 million devices including smart meters, in-home displays, communications hubs, and smart energy control devices are connected to the network.

A total of 16.3 million smart meters are using the system for data telemetry of which some 6.4 million are first-generation and 9.9 million are second-generation smart meters, according to the statement.

The smart meters alone that are connected to the network are helping the UK to reduce 472.185 tonnes of carbon emissions per annum.

The DCC says some 646 million messages have been transported via the network in October alone. The messages include meter readings, tariff information, prepay credit top-ups and smart heating controls.

Approximately 1.7 million energy switches were made in October via the network...

Source: Smart Energy

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Brazil leads Engie's green hydrogen projects

Brazil will play a relevant role in the strategy of French holding Engie to reach the goal of reaching 4 gigawatts (GW) of global green hydrogen production capacity by 2030. According to the executive vice president of global green hydrogen business development of the group, Raphael Barreau, the country has strong potential to attract projects due to the abundance of water and the good price of energy generated by renewable sources.

Electric energy is used in electrolysis, the process that gives rise to hydrogen. In the case of green hydrogen, the electricity used comes from renewable sources. Barreau, recently selected to occupy the company's division for the segment, will be based in Brazil.

The executive points out that the complementarity between wind, solar and hydroelectric generation in the country guarantees a constant supply of clean energy, which helps to lower the cost of the electrolysis units. “Many companies are looking at the production of green hydrogen for export in Brazil, they are realizing that production here will be much cheaper than in other countries”, he says...

Source: Abinee - Valor Econômico

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Basf signs renewable energy purchase contract with Engie concessionaire

The German chemical company Basf SE said on Monday, 29, that it had signed a long-term purchase contract for renewable energy in Europe with the French utility Engie SA. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

According to the company, Engie will supply up to 20.7 terawatt-hours (TWh) of renewable electricity to various locations where Basf operates within a period of 25 years. The contract takes effect on January 1st.

Electricity will initially come from onshore wind farms across Spain, where Engie is an equity investor or energy manager, according to Basf. Going forward, the French company will supply energy from existing Spanish assets or from future onshore and offshore wind farms.

Last week, the company announced the creation of a new subsidiary for renewable energy activities called Basf Renewable Energy GmbH.

Source: This Is Money

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Ministry of Energy releases study predicting 'technological revolution' in the energy sector

A energia injetada nas distribuidoras da Neoenergia teve um aumento de 5% em 2023 na comparação com 2022. Já a energia distribuída registrou um aumento de 3,9% no ano passado em relação ao ano anterior. No quarto trimestre de 2023, a energia injetada apresentou um crescimento de 10,1% e a distribuída teve alta de 7,9%.
Por concessionária, na Neoenergia Coelba (BA), a classe residencial se destacou no último trimestre do ano, com aumento de 7,9%. A classe comercial teve um recuo de 2,5%. Na Elektro (SP) o destaque ficou com o segmento residencial, que teve alta de 15,3% e o comercial, em que houve subida de 8,8%. Na Neoenergia Pernambuco, apesar do aumento no consumo residencial, comercial e poder público apresentaram índices negativos em 4,2% e 7,3%, respectivamente.
No Rio Grande do Norte, o segmento industrial + livre da Cosern teve aumento de 4,9% e comercial, queda de 6,8%. Na Neoenergia Brasília (DF), o segmento residencial cresceu 10,6% e o industrial + livre, 13%...

Fonte: Canal Energia

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Belo Monte bate recorde de geração

A hidrelétrica Belo Monte bateu recorde de geração máxima na última sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro, no horário de pico de consumo do país, entre 19:30h e 21:40h. Segundo boletim da Norte Energia, a usina produziu 4.278 MW sincronizando oito turbinas e registrando a geração média de 1.386 MW. A projeção é de que a marca equivale ao atendimento de 22,850 milhões de pessoas, evitando o acionamento de térmicas que emitiriam cerca de 1.260 toneladas de CO2 na atmosfera.
A empresa também afirmou que a necessidade de amenizar o calor altera significativamente o comportamento da carga do Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN), com o país tendo requerido 91.232 MW por dia. Na comparação com o ano passado, durante o mesmo período, a demanda nacional nesse intervalo foi de 70.827 MW em média.

Fonte: Canal Energia

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Check out the 5 biggest photovoltaic plants in Brazil

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), Brazil has about 670 UCs (consumer units) with their own generation of energy from solar sources.

Currently, Minas Gerais leads the state ranking with around 120 thousand UCs. In second place is São Paulo, with approximately 110 thousand, and Rio Grande do Sul, which has around 95 thousand photovoltaic systems.

With regard to the consumer class, who appears at the top of the list is the residential segment, with 515 thousand consumer units, followed by the commercial sector, with 95 thousand, and the rural area, which has 50 thousand systems.

There is no doubt, there are thousands of plants spread across Brazil generating savings and sustainability. And when it comes to rated power, do you know which are the 5 biggest plants in the country?

Canal Solar conducted a survey based on the latest monthly bulletin on photovoltaic generation from the ONS (National Electric System Operator). Check...

Source: Solar Channel

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UK connects 10 millionth household on DCC's smart meters network

The 10 millionth property was connected in London on the 26th of November by EDF, which fitted both a gas and electricity meter along with a communications hub and pre-payment interface device.

In addition to the 10 million households connected to the network, 41 million devices including smart meters, in-home displays, communications hubs, and smart energy control devices are connected to the network.

A total of 16.3 million smart meters are using the system for data telemetry of which some 6.4 million are first-generation and 9.9 million are second-generation smart meters, according to the statement.

The smart meters alone that are connected to the network are helping the UK to reduce 472.185 tonnes of carbon emissions per annum.

The DCC says some 646 million messages have been transported via the network in October alone. The messages include meter readings, tariff information, prepay credit top-ups and smart heating controls.

Approximately 1.7 million energy switches were made in October via the network...

Source: Smart Energy

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Brazil leads Engie's green hydrogen projects

Brazil will play a relevant role in the strategy of French holding Engie to reach the goal of reaching 4 gigawatts (GW) of global green hydrogen production capacity by 2030. According to the executive vice president of global green hydrogen business development of the group, Raphael Barreau, the country has strong potential to attract projects due to the abundance of water and the good price of energy generated by renewable sources.

Electric energy is used in electrolysis, the process that gives rise to hydrogen. In the case of green hydrogen, the electricity used comes from renewable sources. Barreau, recently selected to occupy the company's division for the segment, will be based in Brazil.

The executive points out that the complementarity between wind, solar and hydroelectric generation in the country guarantees a constant supply of clean energy, which helps to lower the cost of the electrolysis units. “Many companies are looking at the production of green hydrogen for export in Brazil, they are realizing that production here will be much cheaper than in other countries”, he says...

Source: Abinee - Valor Econômico

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Basf signs renewable energy purchase contract with Engie concessionaire

The German chemical company Basf SE said on Monday, 29, that it had signed a long-term purchase contract for renewable energy in Europe with the French utility Engie SA. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.

According to the company, Engie will supply up to 20.7 terawatt-hours (TWh) of renewable electricity to various locations where Basf operates within a period of 25 years. The contract takes effect on January 1st.

Electricity will initially come from onshore wind farms across Spain, where Engie is an equity investor or energy manager, according to Basf. Going forward, the French company will supply energy from existing Spanish assets or from future onshore and offshore wind farms.

Last week, the company announced the creation of a new subsidiary for renewable energy activities called Basf Renewable Energy GmbH.

Source: This Is Money

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Ministry of Energy releases study predicting 'technological revolution' in the energy sector

O Brasil representará 90% de um total de 50 GW de energia solar distribuída previstos para serem instalados na América Latina até 2028. A expectativa é que o país adicione em média 7 GW por ano entre 2023 e 2028. As informações são de um estudo divulgado  pela Agência Internacional de Energia (IEA, na sigla em inglês). 
Segundo a IEA, o generoso sistema de compensação de energia brasileiro levou a um boom de crescimento da energia solar distribuída, com o país adicionando mais de 15 GW desde 2015.
No entanto, desde janeiro de 2023 houve uma mudança no sistema de medição líquida, que passou a cobrar dos consumidores o pagamento gradual pelo uso da rede das distribuidoras. 
“Embora em muitos mercados mudanças drásticas nas políticas ou nas compensações muitas vezes levem a declínios dramáticos na nova capacidade, espera-se que o setor solar fotovoltaico distribuído do Brasil permaneça forte, com adições médias de mais de 7 GW por ano até 2028”,  diz o relatório...

Fonte: Canal Solar

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ANEEL promoverá workshop sobre primeiro leilão de transmissão de 2024

A ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica) promoverá, na próxima segunda-feira (22), um workshop para esclarecer dúvidas sobre o primeiro leilão de transmissão de energia de 2024.
O evento será transmitido pelo YouTube da Agência, a partir das 14h, e contará com a participação de representantes do MME (Ministério de Minas e Energia), da EPE (Empresa de Pesquisa Energética), do ONS (Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico) e da própria ANEEL.
Os participantes terão a oportunidade de enviar perguntas por WhatsApp ao número (61) 99115-2757. Será dada preferência para as respostas às questões enviadas até às 18h desta quarta-feira (17).  As dúvidas recebidas após esse prazo serão respondidas conforme a disponibilidade de tempo.
O primeiro leilão de transmissão do ano tem como finalidade contratar concessões de serviço público de transmissão de energia elétrica, englobando a construção, operação e manutenção de instalações em 14 estados do país, que irão compor a rede do SIN (Sistema Interligado Nacional)...

Fonte: Canal Solar

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Copel finaliza nova linha no Noroeste do Paraná

A Copel concluiu recentemente a construção de uma nova linha de distribuição para atender a região de Porto Rico e Porto Eucalipto, no Noroeste do Paraná. A estrutura, que opera em 34,5 mil volts, conecta as subestações Nova Londrina e Porto Rico, e oferece uma terceira fonte de fornecimento de energia à região. A linha contribui para reforçar a infraestrutura elétrica e melhorar a qualidade de fornecimento aos municípios locais, que nos últimos anos têm crescido e se desenvolvido com a expansão do turismo.
O empreendimento absorveu um investimento de R$ 5,5 milhões. São 28 quilômetros de extensão de redes com fiação protegida contra o toque eventual de vegetação. Em caso de intempéries como as ocorridas no final de 2023 e que afetaram severamente o Noroeste do estado, a região pode utilizar qualquer uma das duas fontes de abastecimento...

Fonte: Canal Energia

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Secretaria inicia Consulta Pública para Agenda de Transição Energética no RJ

Está aberta desde o último dia 4 de janeiro a Consulta Pública sobre a Agenda Estratégica de Transição Energética do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Organizada pela Secretaria de Estado de Energia e Economia do Mar, o objetivo é coletar subsídios para a elaboração de diretrizes estratégicas para uma Política Estadual de Transição Energética que guiará de forma coordenada as ações do Rio de Janeiro. O prazo final para envio vai até 4 de março. As informações e o formulário para envio de contribuição sobre a Consulta Publica estão disponíveis neste link.
As contribuições devem ser enviadas para o correio eletrônico A Política Estadual de Transição Energética está sendo desenvolvida em diferentes fases e pensada de forma participativa com o objetivo de orientar as ações do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O formulário de contribuições está disponível neste link...

Fonte: Canal Energia

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